Couples Counseling Jessica Vermaak Couples Counseling Jessica Vermaak

“State of the Union'“ Check-Ins

"State of the Union" check-ins are structured conversations that couples use to strengthen their relationship, improve communication, and address concerns before they become major issues. These check-ins, popularized by relationship experts like Drs. John and Julie Gottman, provide a safe and intentional space to discuss emotions, needs, and relationship dynamics.

"State of the Union" check-ins are structured conversations that couples use to strengthen their relationship, improve communication, and address concerns before they become major issues. These check-ins, popularized by relationship experts like Drs. John and Julie Gottman, provide a safe and intentional space to discuss emotions, needs, and relationship dynamics.

How to Conduct a "State of the Union" Check-In

Schedule a Regular Time

  • Set aside dedicated time weekly or biweekly, free from distractions.

  • Choose a comfortable, private setting where you can openly communicate.

Start with Appreciation

  • Each partner shares something they appreciate about the other.

  • Example: “I really loved how you supported me this week when I was stressed.”

Check-In on Emotional & Relationship Well-Being

  • Discuss how each person is feeling emotionally.

  • Questions to ask:

    • “How connected do you feel to me this week?”

    • “What’s something that went well for us as a couple?”

Address Any Concerns or Tensions

  • Use non-blaming language to bring up any issues.

  • Example: “I felt a little distant from you this week, and I’d love to spend more quality time together.”

  • Focus on problem-solving, not attacking.

Discuss Relationship Goals & Needs

  • Talk about future plans, personal growth, and shared goals.

  • Example: “I’d love to plan a date night this week to reconnect.”

End on a Positive Note

  • Reaffirm your commitment and love for each other.

  • Example: “I appreciate you being open in this conversation, and I love you.”

Why It’s Beneficial

  • Strengthens emotional connection and trust.

  • Prevents resentment from building over unresolved issues.

  • Creates a habit of healthy communication.

  • Encourages growth as a couple.

Contact Bee Blissful today if you would like suggestions on how to customize a check-in based on specific relationship challenges.

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